Today I discovered a lot of things:
1) I have again confirmed that I don't want children.
Today I went to an Ice Show at a local ice skating rink. When I went there the last time, I met a woman and she invited me to watch her skate. She failed to tell me that she was performing in the second half. Therefore I had to sit through an hour and fifteen minutes of children's performances. Some were really good. Others weren't. But I sat there thinking of how it's such a burden to have children. I bet most of those parents were as bored as I was waiting for their child to perform. Having to sit through that long program. In the cold. Granted, I'm glad Daddy Kiki did it for me when I was little and a figure skater. I just don't have the patience that he has.
And to top it off, one of the 'Silver Skaters' (think women over 50) fell on the ice before her program started and the EMS was called. So that delayed the program further. And my friend still hadn't skated. After she finished up I booked it to Meijer to buy a case of Blue Moon and went home and watched a movie.
But before I get to my Meijer story, let me tell you about my experience at a local eatery.
2) A few days ago I told you I went and got nasty bar food and gorged myself. Well I took a look at my bank statement this morning and saw that the amount I was charged for my food was different that the amount that showed up on my bank statement. $2.52 more. I figured I knew what happened. I have a policy about ordering take out. I don't tip unless the take out is delivered to me. The bar tender didn't do anything special by telling the cook what I wanted and then bringing my food out to me. She didn't fix me a drink at the bar. She never once talked to me. I used to work in a restaurant, so I'm not just being an evil bitch. If you don't do any real work for me, there's no reason for me to tip you. So, I thought the girlie just gave herself a little tip that I wouldn't notice. I called the bar and the manager was very nice. He asked me to bring in a copy of my receipt and bank statement and they would take care of it for me. I did. He offered to just give me the difference. I wasn't completely satisfied with this and told him I wanted to know why there was a $2.52 discrepency. After a lot of back and forth calling, he finally told me that there was a $2.50 fee for using my debit card as a credit card, and a $0.02 tax on that fee. I don't believe him. I'm waiting to talk to the owner tonight. If I don't get the answer I want, I'm blasting the bar on my blog. I've done it before.
3) And last, I saw that my neighborhood Meijer has these cute little shopping carts. They're new and I'm excited. Not so excited that I'll go to the market more...but excited still. And the first person who can tell me what's wrong with this picture wins my undying love. Well, not really. We all know I'm incapable of love.