Saturday, September 13, 2008 

Baloo's Gone....

To Ann Arbor! I don't know if the exclaimation point was warranted. Actually I'm sitting in his apartment right now while he's out playing frisbee golf in the rain. Baloo's parents came down last week and we helped move Baloo into his new apartment in Ann Arbor. He's a lot closer to work now. I was pretty sad about it at first, but I knew this was the best for him. In his 28 years of living this is the first time he's lived completely on his own. I think the best way to learn to live with other people (meaning me in the future) is to understand how to run a household on your own. So I'm glad he's doing this.

The first week wasn't that bad. Thank God I have school and work and working out to keep me occupied during the week. I didn't really miss Baloo because if I wasn't at school, I was either studying or at the gym. You can't believe how fit I am!

I did however hae to learn to hold my tongue. When I came to his house last night I walked in to find a huge flat screen LCD TV. I'm not sure how much those things cost, but I know they're expensive. My first thought was jealousy that I didn't get anything big and shiny. Oh, don't judge me. You all should know how vain I really am! My second thought was to how he plans to afford this TV. He's already said that he needed to figure out if he'd be saving money with the new increased rent. I let him know that I was disappointed but I was good in not making the subject World War III. I need to understand that he has the ability to spend his money however he pleases, and it's not my place to intervene. If down the line he's balancing paying off the TV and paying the heating bill, that's a choice that he has to make on his own. Besides, people need to go through these experiences in order to learn how to handle them.

So overall I've very proud of Baloo. I'm proud of him for finally branching out on his own. And I think the distance will be good for our relationship. Sure, it was so nice to have him as a next door neighbor boyfriend for almost two years, but it's nice missing him and being so excited to see him on the weekends. I think this distance will indeed make our hearts grow fonder. Eww. That was a gay way to end (Kipper, back me up). Who am I kidding? The sex is better when you haven't seen each other for a week. There, that's an ending that is much better fittted for Kiki!

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Thursday, September 04, 2008 

How I Spent My Staycation

First off, Baloo has threatened to break up with me if I use the phrase Staycation in his presence. I totally understand where he's coming from (it is an awful word), but naturally, I have to say it as much as possible in his presence.

I guess I should start off by telling you a little about my Japan trip. It was AMAZING! There was so much that happened and so many adventures, I feel like I'm cheating you by not telling you all the details. Those of you who know me in real life can check out the pictures on Facebook. For those of you who don't know me, I'm sorry. It's just way to much to tell in a blog!

So instead, I will tell you about my Labor Day staycation.

Baloo and I and four other people went backpacking in the Porcupine Mountains in the Upper Peninsula. The original plan was to go to Pictured Rocks, but somehow those plans got changed sometime on Thursday night. Baloo and I drove up to his parents' friend's cabin and spent the night, then met up with the group and caravanned up to the spot. It was a little teed cause we started late, but held my tongue since they're Baloo's friends and I wanted to have a good time. And it was fun. A little more than I expected, but I pushed through. I wouldn't say it was the most fun in my life, but I'm the type of person who has to complete the task before me. So when Baloo informed me that we would cover 14 miles in three days with all I needed on my back, I thought that this was a challenge I could take on. Besides, Baloo's friend brought his new girl, Scandalous, and I had to show her up.

And I did. I made the entire trip. I only had one meltdown the last day when gnats were flying in my eyes. But for the most part I did well. I had to tell Baloo afterwards that that's not the best way to convince me to like camping. I told him in the future we should start out slow by taking day hikes or camping for one day only. Not taking a 14 mile treck up in the UP during a vacation where I'd much rather be laying out in my hammock. But we were able to bond and do something that he likes. Which made me happy. And then he took me out for ice cream on the way home.

So that was my staycation. Nothing too exciting. But it was nice to spend some time in the woods with my tree loving man.

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About me

  • I'm young, single, got a great ass, a serial dater, a sometimes drunk, addicted to the gym, liable to make fat girls cry, have a mild ED, think Notre Dame is the greatest college and Texas is the greatest state. Currently at a standstill since moving from Detroit Area, Michigan (tons of yuppies) to Mason, MI (noted KKK presence). Come be a part of my random, shocking, and exciting world.
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