The Post Where I Talk About My Boyfriend

Baloo finally got back from visiting relatives in Chicago on Sunday. I missed him a little but told myself that it was really stupid to miss him seeing that he was only gone for 4 days. However, I found out when he got back that he was telling everyone about me and showing all his cousins my picture (I'm assuming that he didn't tell Grandpa Baloo as we've previously learned that he wouldn't be too happy about Baloo dating a black girl). I was a little embarrassed but it was his prerogative if he wanted to show me off. According to him, everyone said I was pretty (which is the most important thing) and everyone wondered what I was doing with Baloo seeing that I'm gainfully employed and own my own home while Baloo is still in grad school and renting. Ha! I'm with Baloo for reasons only I understand.
With the weather being as nice as it's been, Baloo and I went for a walk in a park near the house. And here's where I gush…because it really was a very nice walk. It was very fairy tale like for me. Sure he's not my ideal man…6'0, private school educated, making more money than me, climbing the career ladder. He's none of that. But he tells me I'm pretty and he thinks I'm pretty great and he indulges me. And we walked around the lake and held hands and watched the fish and ducks and it was all pretty perfect.