What I did over Christmas Vacation
I haven’t blogged about my Christmas yet. My apologies. The best way to do this is day by day. So let us begin:
Thursday, December 22, 2005
I left for Texas today! Yay. I got up at 4:30 a.m. to catch my 6 AM flight. First I flew from Lansing to Atlanta. When I boarded the plane, I saw that I was sitting a row in front of a small child. I thought that God was punishing me for something I did, or something I was about to do in the near future. However, it wasn’t that child that made my flight unpleasant. I put on my headphones and closed my eyes as we took off for Atlanta. All of a sudden, I smelled a weird cheesy smell. It smelled like someone had opened a package of cheese crackers. I’m not too fond of people who eat on planes. If the peanuts they give you can’t tide you over, maybe you shouldn’t be eating in the first place! I took off my headphones and looked around to glare at the person eating such a smelly food on the small, regional jet. To my horror, I looked upon a teenaged boy one row across and one row behind me throwing up on the floor of the aircraft. Nice. I didn’t eat again the entire trip.
Friday, December 23, 2005
Yay! I’m back in Texas. Daddy and I hit up the outlet mall to do some shopping. I’m still trying to stockpile my house with necessities for The Best Damn Party of 2006. So we hit up JC Penny’s for some quilts, towels, curtains, and such. I wore a slick track suit and was burning up. Because I forgot. Nothing says Merry Christmas in Texas like 78 degree weather. It was so so nice!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Daddy Kiki and I chilled today. He worked on his model airplane while I laid out in the yard and read a book. That’s right, kiddos. I LAID OUT in the warm Texas sunshine and read. It was magnificent.
After some fun in the sun, Daddy Kiki and I hit up Fiesta, the Mexican food store. I planned on making some authentic Mexican molé to accompany the Christmas turkey, and I had to get some authentic ingredients. What I love about Texas is its diversity. You’d expect the Mexican food mart to be full of Mexicans on Christmas Eve. Although there were a majority of Mexicans, there were also black folk, Asians, and whites all shopping for the traditional Christmas tamales.
Later on that night Daddy Kiki and I prepared to make molé to accompany the Christmas turkey. It was fun starting out and the whole house smelled of roasted chili seeds and fried chili peppers. Three hours later I was tired, red with chili paste, and done! I had had enough of making authentic molé! But Daddy Kiki and I stuck it out together and we made a terrific molé for the turkey. Success! We celebrated by watching Taxi.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Christmas! Presents! Food! Sleep!
Monday, December 26, 2005
I went to the eye doctor for the first time in a couple of years. Being young and single and successful is all good, but it sucks not to have certain insurance. Namely eye and dental. So, as one of Daddy Kiki’s gifts to me, I got an eye exam and a box of contacts. In the whole scheme of things, to me, it was more valuable than an iPod (which I didn’t get!). The Dr. is a fraternity brother of my dad’s so I got hooked up with a full exam for an extremely reasonable price. Plus, the Dr. discovered I have an eye problem. Apparently when the tears are forming, they get clogged up in the ducts and become thick and I can’t secrete tears. I think it’s fun that I can’t cry. The Dr. was even upset that the problem wasn’t more serious. I guess he wanted to charge me more for an expensive procedure! Sucka didn’t know I don’t cry because I have no soul!
The annual father/daughter fight. I’m not sure what the fight was about this time, but there was one. I remember going to bed at 3P and not eating anything all day. I’m not sure how me not eating anything was punishing my father, but I do like to be dramatic. I didn’t leave my room till 10 AM the next day.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
I was over my tantrum, so Daddy Kiki and I headed to the local college to pick up my book for my grad course. One semester complete, 47 more hours to go! Then we ventured to Smoothie King. I love this place. If I could drink smoothies all the time instead of eating solid food, I’d be set!
Then it was more hanging out and eating. We ended the night watching Mr. & Mrs. Smith.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Back to Lansing I go. However, I was delayed for an hour coming from Texas. Then they asked for volunteers to give up their seat on my flight from Cincinnati to Lansing. Of course I shoved old people out of the way to take advantage of that deal! I was to get a $400 voucher, hotel pass, and 2 meal cards (which I enquired if they could be traded for liquor…apparently they can!). I called Teresa to find out if she could pick me up from the airport. Turns out Cincinnati and Columbus really aren’t that close! I planned on boozing it up in some airport hotel lounge and meeting some strangers. Imagine what great blog material I would have had. However, Delta came through and they told me I had to get on my flight. There was no need for volunteers.
So that leads me to today. I ordered wireless DSL for The Dungeon, so when people come to visit for The Best Damn Party of 2006, they can have wireless hookup. Cause I care like that.
The Serbian invited me to his place for NYE. We’ll see if his offer is still on the table. If so, I should have some great drunken stories for you then.
Go Irish!
P.S. Will there be a game watch in Lansing anywhere? I need to know where I can publicly get my drink and Irish on at the same time!
so all the times i made fun of you for not being able to cry really had validity?!!? i'm sooooo confused, yet utterly excited that i might piddle myself.
i'm glad you fought w/ daddy kiki over break. it just wouldn't be a trip home unless you gave him the silent treatment for some extended period. and really, family fights are what the holidays are all about.
i'm sure homeboy JC got a huge butt whooping after they brought him home from the temple that time he ran away...
ooooh, can i say that?
Posted by
Pocket Kip |
Fri Dec 30, 12:44:00 AM EST