Still Here
I really should do a better job of posting, but honestly, not much is going on in my life. If I'm not at work or in class, I'm with Baloo. And when I'm with Baloo, we're usually doing mundane things like going to the market to make French Onion Soup or being naughty. And with finals on the horizon, all of my other time is spent thinking about studying (because at this point I hate my professor so much that I have no intention of even doing well in the class).
So I just wanted to let y'all know that I'm still here. I just don't have anything significant to say. But once I do, y'all will be the first to know.
In the meantime, go Fetch!
welcome to old-married coupleville. it's not always exciting...but certainly a lot of fun!
Posted by
Pocket Kip |
Mon Dec 04, 04:06:00 PM EST
Hey. At least you are happy and that is what counts.
Posted by
Jen |
Mon Dec 04, 05:06:00 PM EST
I agree with Kip ... you've reached the point where it's okay to do things single people classify as "nothing." As in, cooking and going to bed early. Isn't it wonderful? :)
Posted by
Unknown |
Mon Dec 04, 09:35:00 PM EST