Everyone Should Have Goals
So I’m still conversing with whacked out career student Van. He doesn’t know anything about football. I don’t think I can respect a man who doesn’t know anything about football. (Much like I don’t think I could respect a man who made less than me. We all know I have a superiority complex. If we’re in a relationship and you make less than me, I will probably lord that over you. And we probably won’t work in the end. Call me old fashioned, but no matter how high I get on the career ladder, I still expect my man to provide for me.) Getting back to Van not knowing anything about football…Well, he did grow up in England…but still. He’s an American, damnit! He should know about the game of football. So, he suggested a time for us to ‘get together’ so we could watch football and I could tell him about the game. Ok. Is this role reversal? This is the exact excuse girls use to get closer to guys. A girl will ask a guy if she can come over and watch the game with him so that he can explain the details to her. When in reality, the girl probably knows more about the game than him. She just needed an excuse to get close to him. Damn. I haven’t met him yet and I already feel like I’m wearing the pants. I have a feeling he won’t survive long. But it will be fun crushing him. Maybe I should have an online poll or something. How long do you think it will take for me to break him. Or maybe even…I should set a goal for myself. Challenge myself to stay with him for at least a month or two…just to see if I can do it. Everyone needs to have goals.
And I’m now off to Indianapolis to visit one of my good friends who lived in my ‘brother dorm’ in college. He told me he lives within walking distance of the bars and advised me to bring my ‘drinking shoes.’ If you don’t hear from me by Monday, either wire me bail money or I’m probably dead! Wish me luck!
And I’m now off to Indianapolis to visit one of my good friends who lived in my ‘brother dorm’ in college. He told me he lives within walking distance of the bars and advised me to bring my ‘drinking shoes.’ If you don’t hear from me by Monday, either wire me bail money or I’m probably dead! Wish me luck!
My boyfriend makes less than I do, but he still manages to find the money to take me out to lunch and dinner all the time. I didn't even know he made less than me until after we'd been dating three months. So far, it's been a non-issue? But not liking football? Now THAT would be a dealbreaker.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sun Aug 27, 09:04:00 PM EDT
Ignore the question mark at the end of "So far, it's been a non-issue"--clearly it has been a long day.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Sun Aug 27, 09:05:00 PM EDT