Not that you care, but here’s what I have to say.

I’m at a fairly happy place now. I really wish I would stop getting so sleepy. I went to bed at 9:00 last night for no apparent reason. I was exhausted. I did talk to Amy last night though. Cancer free! I was so excited to hear that. See folks, prayer really works.
I want to become a better writer of my blog. I feel that it’s just a place for me to rehash who I did or did not sleep with on the weekend. And that’s cool. I mean, my friends can keep track of who I’m doing, but sometimes I want more. However, now that’s I’m starting to write this, I’m finding that I really don’t have much more to talk about.
I’m going to Detroit on Saturday. I think I’m having lunch with Steph too. I’m getting her a Baby Einstein video for her soon to be born kid. You know I don’t like children, but I feel it’s important for the child to be smart.
Speaking of kiddies, it was take your germ infested child to work day. I was less than happy.
Then we went to this conference where the guys had to give a presentation. For some reason everyone there was on their cell phone trying to look cool. I wanted to fit in so I called Kipper and talked to him while checking out all the lonely convention goers. Why are all men in MI married? Every moderately attractive male I saw had a ring on. It was disappointing.
I’m calling the wife of the man who hit on me on Saturday night. I like her. I think we should do dinner sometime. I hope she likes me too. Maybe together we can take all her husband’s money from him. Plus, I kinda want a friend.