All my punishment in one dose
I feel like God is punishing me for all the bad things I have done and will do right now. I kinda like that. That only means my life can get that much better.
Pity Party Man had a death grip on me last night. I was driving home and got really depressed. It’s weird cause I obviously had a great weekend. It’s just that this week sucks. I liked living in R.O. Even when I didn’t have a bf, I had the option of getting laid every week. And although sex is the furthest thing from my mind right now, there’s something about hooking up. To know for those brief hours that you belong totally to one person. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t call you back the next day. Or the next week. It’s the satisfaction that for an evening, you belonged totally to him. And that’s clearly the next best thing to having a bf.
I don’t even have that option where I live. I don’t want a bf. Hell, lately I’ve been completely turned off by sex. I think it’s the attention that I miss. Knowing that there is a man thinking about you. About your body. Your ass. Whether they want it for a lifetime or a weekend is inconsequential. It’s just the fact that they want it.
I went to a work function last night. It was hard. There was no one there I felt I could relate to. And my criteria for men are pretty low. Either rich or pretty. (I didn't mention it, but old is a requirement. There's no negotiation on that one!) If I get that combo, I hit the jackpot (Hot Bod). However I can deal with pretty but not rich, but I prefer rich but not pretty. Rich but not pretty are more loyal. They feel that at any moment, you could leave...which in my case, would be very true. I couldn’t even get that last night. So I got depressed.
I talked to Steph last night and we’re having lunch on the 30th. I also told her that I want to volunteer at the hospital to start meeting people who aren’t so closely related to my line of work. She thought that was a good idea. Her husband’s a Dr. and he’s cute. Maybe all the cute people around here are Dr.s too.
So that’s my complaint. Oh, and to top it off, after having 80 degree weather on Monday, it’s supposed to snow this weekend. So, I feel that God is giving me all my medicine straight up. He says, “Kiddo, if you can stick this out for five years, the rest of your life will be wonderful and you’ll live in a great city with a great job and plenty of eligible men.” Thanks God. I’m counting on that.
Pity Party Man had a death grip on me last night. I was driving home and got really depressed. It’s weird cause I obviously had a great weekend. It’s just that this week sucks. I liked living in R.O. Even when I didn’t have a bf, I had the option of getting laid every week. And although sex is the furthest thing from my mind right now, there’s something about hooking up. To know for those brief hours that you belong totally to one person. It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t call you back the next day. Or the next week. It’s the satisfaction that for an evening, you belonged totally to him. And that’s clearly the next best thing to having a bf.
I don’t even have that option where I live. I don’t want a bf. Hell, lately I’ve been completely turned off by sex. I think it’s the attention that I miss. Knowing that there is a man thinking about you. About your body. Your ass. Whether they want it for a lifetime or a weekend is inconsequential. It’s just the fact that they want it.
I went to a work function last night. It was hard. There was no one there I felt I could relate to. And my criteria for men are pretty low. Either rich or pretty. (I didn't mention it, but old is a requirement. There's no negotiation on that one!) If I get that combo, I hit the jackpot (Hot Bod). However I can deal with pretty but not rich, but I prefer rich but not pretty. Rich but not pretty are more loyal. They feel that at any moment, you could leave...which in my case, would be very true. I couldn’t even get that last night. So I got depressed.
I talked to Steph last night and we’re having lunch on the 30th. I also told her that I want to volunteer at the hospital to start meeting people who aren’t so closely related to my line of work. She thought that was a good idea. Her husband’s a Dr. and he’s cute. Maybe all the cute people around here are Dr.s too.
So that’s my complaint. Oh, and to top it off, after having 80 degree weather on Monday, it’s supposed to snow this weekend. So, I feel that God is giving me all my medicine straight up. He says, “Kiddo, if you can stick this out for five years, the rest of your life will be wonderful and you’ll live in a great city with a great job and plenty of eligible men.” Thanks God. I’m counting on that.
ummmmmm - yikes.
i remember steph's husband. you want to bang him!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Apr 22, 11:27:00 AM EDT