The Blitz
When I do things, they have to be done blitz style. I'm not a very patient person and I like things done all at once. I'm an instant gratificaiton type of girl.
Today is devoted to email blitzing prospective men on friendster. I just realized that for $80 I can take a round trip train from EL to Chicago. It's about the same time it takes tho drive the trip and the greatest thing is you can sleep the entire way. So beacuse of this revelation, I've decided to start dating Chicago men again. I used to do that in college. Schedule multiple dates on the same night in Chicago, drive up, have drinks with the first date and dinner with the second, and then drive back to South Bend. All in a Saturday night.
I really don't see why I can't do that now. It's not like I have anything to attend to while I'm in Lansing over the weekends. Might as well date. And if I strike it good, I can start getting the guys to pay for the train ticket!
Today is devoted to email blitzing prospective men on friendster. I just realized that for $80 I can take a round trip train from EL to Chicago. It's about the same time it takes tho drive the trip and the greatest thing is you can sleep the entire way. So beacuse of this revelation, I've decided to start dating Chicago men again. I used to do that in college. Schedule multiple dates on the same night in Chicago, drive up, have drinks with the first date and dinner with the second, and then drive back to South Bend. All in a Saturday night.
I really don't see why I can't do that now. It's not like I have anything to attend to while I'm in Lansing over the weekends. Might as well date. And if I strike it good, I can start getting the guys to pay for the train ticket!