So I’m sure everyone by now knows that there was some major tension between myself and Baloo. Well this is what happened.
Baloo came home on Sunday. I made sure not to be anywhere around when he arrived home. So, I went to the office for a bit to get some work done. When I came home, I summonsed him over and we had a talk. Baloo was pretty upset. There were tears on his part. I told him that he was selfish for not inviting me and selfish for thinking I would drive all the way to
About 2 hours later I finally broke down. I previously didn’t cry about any of this. The anger had just taken over. I called Daddy Kiki and told him what happened. DK said that I had to forgive Baloo because it was the Christian thing to do. So I called Baloo over and we talked and cried and made up. Baloo said that he would finish out this semester and find a full time job in his field. I think he’s seriously thinking about us being together for an extended amount of time and looking towards the future. I couldn’t be happier!
So, in conclusion, Baloo and I were kinda broken up for about 2 hours. We’re back together and I can see a change in him. I’m so glad that he’s looking towards getting a job in his field so we can start saving money and planning things.
I guess that’s all I really have to tell you about that. I’m just glad that we’re back. I missed him and he’s learned to think more of others. So, all is good!
It's good to hear that everything turned out well between you two.
Posted by
Jonathan Dewbre |
Fri Nov 30, 08:58:00 PM EST