I don't like to blog about work. But I need to get some cryptic stuff off my chest. Basically, if you don't know me in person, you won't know what this is about. I apologize about that. If I knew you, I would totally tell you. But, because I want to stay as nameless as possible, I must be cryptic.
I think the best way to sum up my feelings is by referencing Matthew 25:14-30. Basically the parable says that when you do much with little, you will be rewarded greatly. I recently found out how much my current salary compares to those of my contemporaries. Let's just say I was less than pleased. A large part of me was very proud of myself. I didn't know that I was getting the short end of the stick, yet I was able to buy a house (on my own) and pay my bills and live a relatively comfortable life. I would have loved to have been making what others in my field make, yet, I was still able to accomplish a lot despite that fact.
Needless to say, I've been in deep thought about a lot of things, including my future. I think that's why I'm so excited that school is starting on Monday. I know that once I complete my degree, I'll have the experience and education to back up any salary demands that I will ever have. And that gives me comfort. I'm also excited to meet the new people in my program. I hope we have a few crazies. They will be great for blog fodder.
Oh, and FYI: Tax free weekend is the weekend where certain items are sold with no sales tax. They usually do it in Texas right before school starts, and the items exempt from taxes usually include back to school necessities like clothing. And you don't have to be a school kid to get the savings. All clothing items are exempt. It was totally worth the trip back to Texas for those savings (and it was also great to see my daddy)!
I think the best way to sum up my feelings is by referencing Matthew 25:14-30. Basically the parable says that when you do much with little, you will be rewarded greatly. I recently found out how much my current salary compares to those of my contemporaries. Let's just say I was less than pleased. A large part of me was very proud of myself. I didn't know that I was getting the short end of the stick, yet I was able to buy a house (on my own) and pay my bills and live a relatively comfortable life. I would have loved to have been making what others in my field make, yet, I was still able to accomplish a lot despite that fact.
Needless to say, I've been in deep thought about a lot of things, including my future. I think that's why I'm so excited that school is starting on Monday. I know that once I complete my degree, I'll have the experience and education to back up any salary demands that I will ever have. And that gives me comfort. I'm also excited to meet the new people in my program. I hope we have a few crazies. They will be great for blog fodder.
Oh, and FYI: Tax free weekend is the weekend where certain items are sold with no sales tax. They usually do it in Texas right before school starts, and the items exempt from taxes usually include back to school necessities like clothing. And you don't have to be a school kid to get the savings. All clothing items are exempt. It was totally worth the trip back to Texas for those savings (and it was also great to see my daddy)!
Labels: musings
Since you're getting all personal, I'll spill my guts, too.
Rates vary in PJ's field. Although all of this is public information for all employees to know, it's still sad when you find out you make less than the hospital next door.
That said, it's been a major point of discussion in moving back to Michigan. If we move back to Michigan, he gets recognition and twice what he's getting paid now and larger bonuses.
If we stay here, we're super happy with our life but, he makes peanuts, crappy bonuses, etc.
How do you choose between money and happiness when you want both? Plus, he misses his parents.
I hate dilemmas. At least yours will have a happy ending and you'll get what you deserve!
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Aug 24, 11:19:00 PM EDT
I think that when you next get evaluated at your job, besides telling them how damn awesome you are, you should remind them of these numbers, and of how you are getting screwed. Possibly even hint that you are looking around for something better paying. Because you so deserve to be well paid.
Posted by
Marcia |
Wed Aug 29, 02:40:00 PM EDT