I'm young, single, got a great ass, a serial dater, a sometimes drunk, addicted to the gym, liable to make fat girls cry, have a mild ED, think Notre Dame is the greatest college and Texas is the greatest state. Currently at a standstill since moving from Detroit Area, Michigan (tons of yuppies) to Mason, MI (noted KKK presence). Come be a part of my random, shocking, and exciting world.
With her light up earrings and a flair for Modanna-esqe clothes, I felt as though she might be my twin trapped in a TV screen.
Try to follow this true story:
One day, my Jem doll cheated on Ken(she stole from Barbie) with the G.I. Joe named Shipwreck. What can I say, she liked shorter men?
As punishment for her whorish ways, I cut off her hair and ripped her earrings out with a fork.
Moral of the story:
Never fuck with the person in charge.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Fri Jul 27, 01:48:00 AM EDT