Baloo sent me this video today. I relax my hair. He really wants me to grow my hair out natural. That's an argument he's not going to win. Anyway, he saw this on YouTube and sent it to me. It's part of his strategy to get me to go natural.
I'm young, single, got a great ass, a serial dater, a sometimes drunk, addicted to the gym, liable to make fat girls cry, have a mild ED, think Notre Dame is the greatest college and Texas is the greatest state. Currently at a standstill since moving from Detroit Area, Michigan (tons of yuppies) to Mason, MI (noted KKK presence). Come be a part of my random, shocking, and exciting world.
I love kinky hair. My mom is Italian and her hair is wild and frizzy. People are always judging her hair and I hate that.
But the most important thing is to feel comfortable with your hair whatever you choose to do with it.
Posted by Anonymous | Sat Feb 17, 03:59:00 PM EST