Yet another reason why I should not be allowed out in public
Teresa and I went to lunch today. It was nice to catch up with her. I haven't seen her in over a year. We ended up at Troppo's. One of the reasons why I wanted to go there was to formally introduce myself to the guy who I thought was the co-owner. Jacob came over to our table and I did indeed introduce myself. Teresa commented that he wasn't cute. I knew that. Power trumps beauty anyday (well, in men, at least.) Anyway, he asked me what I did. Naturally I told him that I sold baby parts on the black market. He took the joke a little too far and said something about Asian baby Foie Gras. Um, just for the record. I sell baby parts on the black market for harvesting. Not for human consumption. Duh! Then we started talking about life insurance, and he told us that he was denied because he checked himself into a center for alcoholism and it's been 2 years since he's had a drink! Why do people tell me these things? I asked him why I always saw him at the restaurant (trying to fish out if he was the alcoholic owner) and he told me that he was the general manager and head chef. Boo. You lose!
When he walked away I whispered to Teresa, "I'd ruin him." She didn't quite understand. I told her I'd make him my new drinking buddy!
When he walked away I whispered to Teresa, "I'd ruin him." She didn't quite understand. I told her I'd make him my new drinking buddy!