Hello, Goodbye

Hey kids. Sorry I've been AWOL. Baloo and I got a dog! And now she's gone. Here's the story: Two weeks ago I went to David's Bridal to try on bridesmaid dresses for my Roomie's wedding. The size I normally wear was a tad to tight, so naturally, I flipped the fuck out! I was so disappointed. So, being the wonderful boyfriend Baloo is, he offered to take me to the petstore to look at kitties so they would make me happy. While there we met Layla who was up for adoption. I've never been one for adopting a dog. At least not now in my life. Since Baloo and I aren't living together, I knew the dog would be living with me full time. I also knew that I would be paying for the bulk of her since I make more money than Baloo. I wasn't too excited about the details, but I was willing to try it.
Layla was super sweet and nice and well behaved in the store, and everyone remarked on how cute she was. And really, all I want in life is that have my dog be the envy of all other dogs. So, I volunteered to foster Layla for two weeks. If we liked her, we could keep her, and if it didn't work, we could return her, no strings attached. To make the situation better, her former owners had surrendered her because they ran out of time to spend with her, and they brought us her crate and toys and food so she could have familiar things at my house. It really was a perfect situation.
So we returned Layla to Petsmart today. It was harder than we thought. Baloo and I decided that we're not ready for a dog. We had a fight about a week ago where I pointed out that I'm not his sugar mama nor his crutch. Just because I have the house and the yard and the money doesn't mean that 'we' should get a job. I really felt as if he was having all the fun and I had all the responsibility. But on the plus side, Baloo did start actively looking for a full time job. I think he realized that he couldn't have me take on all the responsibility, so he took it upon himself to find proper employment. He's still looking, but I was glad that he manned up.
So that's the story of Layla. It was a bit easier to give her up since she did puke a few times within the past week. And last night she decided to pee on the carpet. Something she hadn't done in all the time that we had her! But I did feel a little sad when I walked away from her at Petsmart. So, to make ourselves feel better, we did some preliminary shopping for new living room furniture and then ate some Mexican Food! Hopefully I'll have more time to blog now that I no longer have a dog in my life.
Oh, and if you're considering adopting a dog (I'm so against folks who buy dogs) offer to foster them first. I know the shelter was happy to have us foster because it takes the dog off their hands for a while and you have an opportunity to spend time with the dog in your daily situations to know whether it's the right time or the right dog for you.
Poor Layla. I can appreciate your reasoning that you guys aren't ready for a pet yet, but I hope she finds a permanent home soon. She looks like a wonderful dog.
Posted by
Jonathan Dewbre |
Sun Mar 23, 11:32:00 AM EDT
I finally found your blog again. I am sorry that I have been gone. I lost my bookmarks so I was relying on people commenting on my blog. But for the longest time I couldn't get to your blog through your comment link. finally, today it worked.
yeah rah!
Posted by
(M)ary |
Sun Mar 23, 04:05:00 PM EDT
BTW, I adopted a dog last year...It kind of was dumped on me when I bought my house. He barks his head off whenever he hears the wind blow so he is a good guard dog. He sleeps next to me and keeps me warm...but dang it he is a PAIN THE ASS...He takes a lot of time and attention. So, I agree with you. You shouldn't take on the responsibility of a dog until you are ready. If you really want a pet, cats don't take as much energy. But they do barf on the carpet...
Posted by
(M)ary |
Sun Mar 23, 04:17:00 PM EDT