First, I'm having a hell of a time this morning. I was all set to take my midterm this afternoon when I find out that my proctor site is closed for spring break! (Background, I'm taking online grad classes at the University of Texas, so I have to go to a school in Lansing to take my midterm and final.) So I'm trying to find a way to take my test either today or sometime this week because…
Baloo and I are going away for our first overnight trip where it's just the two of us. I could be romantic and say we're going away for our 5 month anniversary, but truth be told, I was invited to the Big Ten Tournament in Chicago this weekend and I'm dragging Baloo along with me. We're super excited. I don't really care about the games. I'm just excited that I'm going to be in a major city for the weekend!
So when I get back, I hope to have stories to tell and pictures to share!
this work is very good, thank you
have nice wkend
Posted by
david santos |
Fri Mar 09, 09:07:00 AM EST
LOL. I just blogged about the same thing. I don't blog sometimes because I would rather spend time with Whitey. It does allow you to vent and hash out issues though. Gotta love bloggin!
Posted by
Jen |
Thu Mar 22, 02:33:00 PM EDT
Aw...I practically remember when we used to have month-anniversaries.
Oh wait, no I don't. That was a long time ago.
Posted by
Jay |
Fri Mar 23, 07:02:00 PM EDT