Happy New Year!
Hi Kids! Well I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and we're all ready to jump back on the wagon! Now that I'm back at work and not lounging around in bed with Baloo, I have more time for other important things, like blogging.
Speaking of Baloo, I must tell you about my trip back from Texas to Michigan. I left home on December 28 and arrived at DFW airport with plenty time to spare. When I got to the gate, the United counter said that our plane would be delayed 30 minutes. I was a little worried as I had a connecting flight from Chicago to Lansing, and I was on the last flight to Lansing of the day. However, I felt that I would be able to make my connection with even a 30 minute delay. About 10 minutes later, we were told that our flight was cancelled due to mechanical difficulties. I did not want to hear that. I had already spent 6 days with Daddy Kiki and things weren't going well. I needed to get back to my house and my bed and my rules. Therefore, I hightailed it to the American terminal and let the gate agent know that my flight on United was cancelled. They put me on the American plane and I was off to Chicago. Now, I figured I'd be cutting it short to get my connecting flight to Lansing, but I was willing to take that chance. What I forgot was that I was flying a totally different airline and I would need to get to a different terminal when I got to O'Hare to make my flight. Long story short, I missed my Lansing flight and I was told I would have to wait till 6A the next morning. I wasn't having any of that. I squinched my face up to resembling crying and told the Chicago gate agent to get me on any flight. She got me on an American flight that was boarding THAT SECOND! Always resourceful, I flagged down a guy in a golf cart and paid him to take me to the American terminal. I made my flight and I was going to Detroit. Because I have the world's greatest boyfriend, I called Baloo and asked him to pick me up from Detroit and he totally obliged. And I was so in his debt.
We've spent almost every waking hour together since I got back from Texas. We went down to Detroit for NYE. That was another adventure. The party was held at his friend's house. I was really nervous at first as he encouraged me to wear a skirt and a party top. When I got there I knew I was way overdressed (but I did look fine!). This was an important party for me as I would be meeting some of his girlfriends as well as his best friend (also a girl) who was in town from Denver. An extremely intoxicated Baloo kept whispering in my ear that I was the sexiest person there. That made me all giddy! And even though I was way overdressed, Baloo was enjoying my outfit and I kinda liked tempting the other boys.
During the course of the night karaoke was brought out and I began singing with a couple of girls. Turns out one of the girls was Baloo's ex-girlfriend. He failed to mention this to me until sometime after midnight when we snuck off to his car to go make out. Fortunately I was on my best behavior and his ex-girlfriend and I hit it off. I thought she was fun. However, I also could see why they're not together anymore. I didn't have such luck with his best friend, Laura*. Laura didn't talk to me all night. At one point I started asking her questions about Denver and how she liked it and whether or not she had made any friends. I really wanted to get to know her. She gave me terse answers and that was it. I wasn't going to push it. I didn't need to impress her anyway. She lives in Denver and I've got an ass no man can resist. I didn't need her seal of approval. I think the final straw with her was when Baloo, his friend Matt, and I drove Laura back to her house the next day. We pulled up at her house and Baloo sprinted inside to use the bathroom leaving Laura, Matt and myself outside to say our goodbyes. Matt and I gave Laura a hug and I told her it was nice meeting her. Then we all stood outside in her garage. And played with her dog. All the while Laura was holding all of her bags (we spent the night after NYE) while the three of us were standing in the cold in her garage. I got fed up and got back in the car to warm up. She and Matt stood in the garage a while longer until Baloo finally came out. Apparently Baloo was inside chatting with Laura's parents and didn't realize we hadn't been invited in. While I was still in the car, Laura and Matt finally went inside where Matt said hello to the parents. I was never invited in.
I let Baloo know about how I felt. He did see how it made me uncomfortable. Later he mentioned to me that Laura is best friends with his ex-girlfriend and the hostess of the party. Which still doesn't give her reason to be a bitch because I got along well with his ex-girlfriend and the hostess singing karaoke, teaching the ex-girlfriend how to open a bottle of champagne without flinging the cork (i.e. like a civilized human) and making mimosas the next morning with the hostess. I didn't puke, I didn't steal anything. I was the perfect guest. I would go on to say nasty things about Laura and her lack of attractiveness, but I'm classy. And a lady.
Yesterday I helped Baloo plan his life for the next year. It kinda bugged me that I had to hold his hand and take him step by step as he called the advisor at MSU to talk about a PA program and meet with the local community college for firefighting training. I really thought that he should be doing that stuff himself. However, I was really happy that we were able to get it done together. I don't think he minded too much that I was taking such an active role in his future. But I let him know that I was doing it all for him – because I knew he could achieve it all.
Tonight I'm torn between hitting up the Victoria's Secret sale after work or going to an event with the business professional gays I was invited to. Ohh! And Baloo and I may try out to be on The Amazing Race on Friday night. So much fun stuff to blog about! Happy New Year!
No kidding! You leave for a week, and all this stuff happens! Way to handle the bitch - if the ex can get over it, she should too. Happy New Year!
~ Roomie
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wed Jan 03, 05:58:00 PM EST
Happy New Year!! And PLEASE try out for the Amazing Race. That would be soooo awesome if you made the show and even better if you won the million dollars.
Posted by
(M)ary |
Thu Jan 04, 07:08:00 PM EST
Ohh! I want you to do the amazing race. I'm glad Baloo was there in your time of need (flight to DTW) and I'm glad he thought you were the hotness at the party.
What an awesome post!
Posted by
Summer |
Fri Jan 05, 02:12:00 AM EST