How Awesome is Daddy Kiki?
When Daddy Kiki was in town, we hit up the furniture store. I really want a bed. Not the mattress. I already have that. I'm talking the actual headboard and footboard combo. I want a Massive Poster bed that might look something like this. Actually, this is exactly the one I saw in Lansing.

Anyway, we found one that I liked here in Lansing, but the posts weren't solid wood, and that's unaccepatble to me. Daddy Kiki has a furniture store that he regularly visits back in Texas where he likes to bargin with the staff. He gets some good deals. This afternoon he called me to tell me he found a bed that would have been perfect for me. He was planning on buying it and then renting a U-Haul to drive it up to me from Texas and help me put it together. However, he discovered that the posts weren't solid wood, but instead some type of wood overlay over styrofoam. But I think it's awesome that Daddy Kiki was willing to drive over 1000 miles to deliver a bed to me. He's officially the most awesomest dad in the WORLD!

Anyway, we found one that I liked here in Lansing, but the posts weren't solid wood, and that's unaccepatble to me. Daddy Kiki has a furniture store that he regularly visits back in Texas where he likes to bargin with the staff. He gets some good deals. This afternoon he called me to tell me he found a bed that would have been perfect for me. He was planning on buying it and then renting a U-Haul to drive it up to me from Texas and help me put it together. However, he discovered that the posts weren't solid wood, but instead some type of wood overlay over styrofoam. But I think it's awesome that Daddy Kiki was willing to drive over 1000 miles to deliver a bed to me. He's officially the most awesomest dad in the WORLD!
what a sweetheart dad!!
ps hard to find real wood furniture at a reasonable price.
Posted by
(M)ary |
Sun Aug 13, 12:48:00 PM EDT
am i the only one who pictured all the fun sex games you could play with a bed like that?
Posted by
Pocket Kip |
Sun Aug 13, 05:38:00 PM EDT
Holy COW! I almost bought that bd set. They have it on eBay. Delivered and all. Since I was going to buy it, I can now say you have beyond fabulous taste!
Posted by
Summer |
Sun Aug 13, 08:38:00 PM EDT