Golf and Grilling - I'm Every Man's Dream

I was debating whether or not to write a post tonight. I guess I will.
The weekend with the young'n was good. He came over Friday night and between the two of us, we demloished a 5th of Stoli. Guess he does drink. Then I had the fantastic idea of walking to the convenience store down the street from my house. It was clear that I was very intoxicated as I started counting in French in the store. The Young'n bought a pack of ciggies and the cashier carded me. Yes sir, I'm obviously drunk in your store, but I'm not old enough to be with a person who's buying ciggies. Lansing logic for 'ya.
I went to the driving range on both Saturday and Sunday. I have to say, I am really liking the game of golf. When you're on, it's relaxing and everyone is very quiet. I don't like a lot of noise...unless it's being created by me.
I also grilled. Damn, I was a total guy this weekend. I played golf and grilled. Tell me why I'm not dating anyone!
I guess I should mention my realization of me being dead on the inside, but I've already gone over that with Kipper and Roomie. Apparently I have no sex drive. At all. It's gone. So sad for a girl who hasn't yet reached the quarter of her life.
However, I do grill a mean steak.
maybe your sex drive is gone because you're growing a penis?
that's the're just confused!
Posted by
Pocket Kip |
Mon Jun 12, 01:32:00 PM EDT
The young'un looks cute, even with his hand in the way. :P
Posted by
Anonymous |
Mon Jun 12, 06:55:00 PM EDT
That was me above :P
Posted by
Anonymous |
Mon Jun 12, 06:56:00 PM EDT
i'm new here.. also a girl griller and golfer. Yikes! (also from MI..that's just wierd)
nice bloggystyle.
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thu Jun 22, 10:12:00 AM EDT