I've bitten off more than I can chew
The basis of Smitty and my relationship since we broke up has always been playful. He'll write me short little emails that let me know he's thinking of me, but like when we were dating, he's not serious. He emails me about once a month, teasing me. These emails used to make my heart flutter. Smitty is the only boy that I have really really liked, and when I'd hear from him, it would stir up all kinds of feelings. Fortunately, I've grown up a ton. I don't feel that tingle when I get emails from him anymore. I just treat it as friendly banter.
I like to keep my past conquests in a box and take them out whenever I please. I call The Serbian, Hot Bod, ADD Tim whenever I'm in town to see if they're willing to take me to lunch or buy me a drink or do, well, other things. That hasn't been the case with Smitty. Smitty is a noncommital workaholic. I'd have a better chance pinning down a rabid monkey than I'd have getting Smitty to commit to anything.
So I emailed Smitty yesterday telling him that I'll be in Detroit every weekend until after tax season for my volunteer work. "Although, when I do agree to get together with you, you always seem to mysteriously disappear. So, let me know when your balls drop and you decide to actually take me up on that drink." His response, "Ouch. Taking shots about not meeting for shots. Wow. If you'd like to meander north after your Saturday volunteer work we can meet for dinner and drinks. At that point in time we'll find out if you can get my balls to drop."
This is the first time I've actually gotten a pretty positive response from him about a meeting. A part of me is scared. I haven't worked out, my hair is a mess. I want to look absolutely fabulous to wow Smitty. A part of me wants to bail. I guess I'm scared that even tho this is the closest we've come to making actual plans, I have a feeling that he's going to bail on me. And that will make me feel like an idiot. Oh well, THM will be back in town in a few weeks. I can always put him back on first string on my roster.
I like to keep my past conquests in a box and take them out whenever I please. I call The Serbian, Hot Bod, ADD Tim whenever I'm in town to see if they're willing to take me to lunch or buy me a drink or do, well, other things. That hasn't been the case with Smitty. Smitty is a noncommital workaholic. I'd have a better chance pinning down a rabid monkey than I'd have getting Smitty to commit to anything.
So I emailed Smitty yesterday telling him that I'll be in Detroit every weekend until after tax season for my volunteer work. "Although, when I do agree to get together with you, you always seem to mysteriously disappear. So, let me know when your balls drop and you decide to actually take me up on that drink." His response, "Ouch. Taking shots about not meeting for shots. Wow. If you'd like to meander north after your Saturday volunteer work we can meet for dinner and drinks. At that point in time we'll find out if you can get my balls to drop."
This is the first time I've actually gotten a pretty positive response from him about a meeting. A part of me is scared. I haven't worked out, my hair is a mess. I want to look absolutely fabulous to wow Smitty. A part of me wants to bail. I guess I'm scared that even tho this is the closest we've come to making actual plans, I have a feeling that he's going to bail on me. And that will make me feel like an idiot. Oh well, THM will be back in town in a few weeks. I can always put him back on first string on my roster.
1) i heart rabid monkeys
2) i met smitty and have no recollection of what he looks like. is that bad?
3) sex is sex. you're hot regardless and your booty is like WHOA! you need not worry. two days or running and you'll rock his world.
4) i'm pretty.
Posted by
Pocket Kip |
Wed Feb 22, 11:04:00 AM EST
good luck with the smitty thing and fear not you shall look stunning just make an effort before you see him and think positivly the minute we start to doubt we get freaked out and confidence is a much sexier look then being freaked out
Posted by
spicey pineapple |
Wed Feb 22, 11:09:00 AM EST
Oh Smitty ....
~ Roomie
Posted by
Anonymous |
Wed Feb 22, 09:17:00 PM EST
You should go....and wear FABULOUS heels. Ones that make his mouth drop and him drool. I always go for my little silver strappy heels. They always make Paul speechless.
Posted by
Jen |
Thu Feb 23, 07:55:00 PM EST