The Bread Store
I shop at the bread store in town. I call it the bread store. Actually it's the discount bread store where you can get a loaf of bread for $0.89. Anyway, I wore my Notre Dame hat into the market and paid for my purchase (a whole $2.00!) when the clerk looked at my hat and asked me if I went to ND. I told her I did. She asked me what I studied and I told her. She asked me, "what's that?" Well, seeing that I didn't study rocket science, I was sure that most people had heard of Political Science. I broke it down for her and told her, "it's like government." I saw that she was wearing a University of Michigan sweatshirt and I asked her if she was in school and if she liked it. She said that she hated school. (and I later figured out that she was in high school and not college) I told her that she should put more effort in school. Becuase school allows you to get a better job, and in turn make more money, and in turn buy shiny things. She gave me a confused look. I should have just told her that school will allow her to finally quit her job at the bread store.
did you also mention you colored pictures with daddy calvin for you minor? ND is hard!
Posted by
Pocket Kip |
Wed Feb 22, 11:27:00 AM EST