And She's Back
I haven't been around in a while. For that I apologize. A lot happened this weekend, so let me recap.
First, I'm done with school for the semester! I have about a week off before I start summer session. And what a glorious week it will be. I've already decided to be active every day this week. This includes trips to the gym and climbing outside with Baloo. This semester was especially tough. I had a jerk of a professor, I started a new job, and Baloo will be moving away shortly.
Speaking of Baloo, I had a wonderful time with his family this weekend. We went up north for his mother's retirement party. It was fantastic. We met up with Baloo's brother and sister-in-law. We'll call them Randy and Mandy. On Friday night we went out to dinner with friends. Saturday we woke up and had breakfast. Mandy had a certifiable eating disorder in the past, so I was determined to eat less than her all weekend. It didn't work out so well. But at least I beat her at breakfast when Mama Baloo insisted she have another piece of French toast. I laughed a little inside.
Saturday was spent grilling and hanging with friends who came to congratulate Mama Baloo. Then they young'uns (Baloo, myself, Randy & Mandy) played a rousing game of Trivial Pursuit '90s Edition. I have to say I had a few beers on Saturday and then Baloo made margaritas. I was a bit tipsy but very appropriate. I think that's the first time I've ever been appropriate while slightly drunk.
On Sunday we went to church where there was a special presentation for Baloo's mom. She invited me to sit in their reserved pew at the church. Then later on there was a dinner in her honor at the school she's retiring from. It was so sweet that she mentioned me in her retirement speech.
Overall I really liked Baloo's parents friends. Everyone was very accepting of me and everyone was really friendly and nice. I couldn't have asked for a better relaxing weekend. It was also important that I spent more time with Randy and Mandy as I didn't hit it off quite so well with her at our first meeting. But we got along grandly and Baloo and I are planning a trip to San Antonio this summer to visit them and their new house that they just bought. All in all, I think I'm a shoe in to be a member of the Baloo clan (bears run in clan, right?). His mom loves me, other family members love me, it's really a win win.
However, I can't say the same for Daddy Kiki. We haven't been doing so well lately. I don't think I wrote about his emergency surgery. Well about 2-3 weeks ago he calls me at work to let me know he's going into surgery in 2 hours. It wasn't life threatening, but he was uncomfortable and it was something that needed to be taken care of quickly. I wanted to go home, but he kept insisting that I didn't come. A few days after his surgery I was still debating whether or not to go home. He finally convinced me that it wasn't necessary. In parting, I happened to mention that if I didn't come down then, at least Baloo and I would be coming down later that summer. Apparently that didn't fly with Daddy Kiki. His response was, "I don't think it's very respectful for you two to come down for an overnight visit. If y'all were married, that would be different." Now mind you, I didn't insist that we had to sleep in the same bed (like a certain roommate of mine….). In fact, I pointed out that there is an extra bedroom with a futon that Baloo would be happy to stay in. DK wasn't budging for some reason. Baloo and I have been dating now for 1.5 years and he's never met my dad. Yet, I've been invited up north on three separate occasions, have had multiple lunches with his parents in Lansing, and was invited up to the UP to spend time up on the lake.
DK's entire attitude is very tiring to me. I'm not sure what his problem is. Most fathers would be insistent of meeting their daughter's long-term boyfriend before he becomes their son-in-law. I talked to Mama Baloo about it this past weekend. I've decided that when Baloo and I fly down to San Antonio this summer to visit Randy & Mandy, we're going to drive up to Dallas and spend a total of one day (albeit a sleepover) with DK to force him to meet Baloo. I'm not sure what his problem is in being so resistant to meeting Baloo, but it's unwarranted and it's childish in my opinion, especially if he isn't willing to give me any concrete reason for his objection.
So yeah, things on that front are very volatile at this time and uncomfortable. But what can I do?
Thanks to all who wondered about my disappearance. I blame school! I hope that I'll have more time to devote to y'all now that the summer break is upon me!
It's been five days and nobody's commented on this entry? WTF?
I think your decision to force Papa Kiki to accept the reality of you and Baloo is probably for the best. It seems weird to me that he wouldn't want to meet the guy, especially since you two have gotten so serious. Who knows why parents have the motives they do. It's too early in the morning for me to contemplate this.
Posted by
Jonathan Dewbre |
Sat May 10, 06:51:00 AM EDT