Before & After
Here are pics from before I put up my hammock and after. I was so excited that I rigged it all by myself. And it acutally works! I've been out there twice and I haven't fallen out, so all is good.

After rigging my hammock (and falling asleep in it) I decided to go to the driving range. I haven't been out there in a while and I knew I would be rusty. While I was out there I was approached by a very old man. He commented that my form was awful and offered to give me some pointers. I was a little concerned at first. He was very very old and I didn't know what he expected from me in return for a free golf lesson. Turns out he was a very nice old man. He helped me with my stance and posture and I could definately see the improvement. He directed me to read this book. I asked him if I could take lessons from him but he refused. He said that he wasn't a golf instructor and that he just likes to help people out of the goodness of his heart. What a fun old person.
Today I decided to cook for next week's dinner. I'm making chicken fajitas and asparagus with an almond sauce. The almond sauce didn't turn out as I planned. I burned the almonds a little and I put too much lemon juice in the sauce. Oh well. I'll figure out a way to salvage it. As for the chicken fajitas, I have yet to make them. However, I did buy two whole chickens from Sam's this afternoon. I spent a large part of the evening cutting up one of the chickens into parts. I followed these instructions. Let me tell you, the way those pictures look are NOTHING like my chicken looked. I felt bad as I hacked away at the carcus. The instructions also don't tell you that as you hack away at the bones with a not so quality knife (I know what I want for Christmas now, Daddy Kiki) you get bond fragments and chicken guts flying all over your kitchen and all over your white wife beater. I could just feel the salmonila all over me. However, I did a pretty good job on finally getting the chicken into parts. I was pretty surprised for my first attempt. I did a beautiful job on the breasts, deboning them and taking the skin off. I may have a talent after all.
Hope everyone is surviving the heat wave!

After rigging my hammock (and falling asleep in it) I decided to go to the driving range. I haven't been out there in a while and I knew I would be rusty. While I was out there I was approached by a very old man. He commented that my form was awful and offered to give me some pointers. I was a little concerned at first. He was very very old and I didn't know what he expected from me in return for a free golf lesson. Turns out he was a very nice old man. He helped me with my stance and posture and I could definately see the improvement. He directed me to read this book. I asked him if I could take lessons from him but he refused. He said that he wasn't a golf instructor and that he just likes to help people out of the goodness of his heart. What a fun old person.
Today I decided to cook for next week's dinner. I'm making chicken fajitas and asparagus with an almond sauce. The almond sauce didn't turn out as I planned. I burned the almonds a little and I put too much lemon juice in the sauce. Oh well. I'll figure out a way to salvage it. As for the chicken fajitas, I have yet to make them. However, I did buy two whole chickens from Sam's this afternoon. I spent a large part of the evening cutting up one of the chickens into parts. I followed these instructions. Let me tell you, the way those pictures look are NOTHING like my chicken looked. I felt bad as I hacked away at the carcus. The instructions also don't tell you that as you hack away at the bones with a not so quality knife (I know what I want for Christmas now, Daddy Kiki) you get bond fragments and chicken guts flying all over your kitchen and all over your white wife beater. I could just feel the salmonila all over me. However, I did a pretty good job on finally getting the chicken into parts. I was pretty surprised for my first attempt. I did a beautiful job on the breasts, deboning them and taking the skin off. I may have a talent after all.
Hope everyone is surviving the heat wave!
Just barely. Luckily I'll be out of Dallas and up north at the beginning of August.
Posted by
Jonathan Dewbre |
Mon Jul 17, 12:12:00 AM EDT
Yay for friendly old men!
I can't believe that you actually get whole chickens and try to cut them up. That is some real home cookin'. I just get breasts, cut them into strips and !voila! I have some fajitas. You made me feel like a real lazy ass.
Posted by
Summer |
Mon Jul 17, 06:12:00 PM EDT