So Let Me Tell You About My Weekend
It started great. I went to Detroit and got my hair done. I also wore a snazzy blue shirt and a cute little mini skirt. I was working it. And my hair looked great afterwards.
I then called ADD Tim to see if he had time for me to hang out. He said he was going by a friends house to hang by the pool. I know this friend as I have hung out at his pool before, and I asked if it would be ok if I could tag along. ADD Tim gave me the ok, but also gave me Jim's number so I could call and let him know I was on my way over. When I drove by Jim's house, I didn't see ADD Tim's car in the driveway. Not wanting to just show up unannounced, I called both ADD Tim and Jim again and neither answered their phones. I was beginning to think I had been snubbed. No worries. I left Detroit and headed home.
I took an alternate route home because of all the road construction and ended up passing by Great Lakes Crossing. It's kinda like a mega indoor outlet mall. There's one in Texas too. Anywho, when I was home last December, Daddy Kiki and I went to the one in Texas where I found these awesome shoes at Saks. They were $140 at the time and although it was a great deal, I didn't have the money to pay for I let them be. When I went to Great Lakes Crossing yesterday, the same shoes were there for $70! So I got them and another pair for $30. I love shoes. I could feel a sense of euphoria washing over me as I paid for them and took them out of the store!

Then, when I got back to The Dungeon, I opened my refridgirator to discover that it was broken. Again. For the second time in as many weeks. I was livid. I called Best Buy and they couldn't do anything because I live in small time hick town and everything is closed on Saturday. The earliest someone could come out was on Monday. So, everything was defrosted yet again. Best Buy did tell me that Fridgidaire does reimburse for food loss, so they'll be getting a very angry letter as well. I hope the just replace my fridge cause this is ridiculous. In fact, this afternoon, I opened the fridge and everything is just warm. It's disgusting.
So, upset that my fridge was out, I decided to do some house work. I did my laundry and discoved my favorite jeans had a hole in them right in the front at the crotch. Boo! So now I have to see if I can replace them cause they were excellent jeans. Oh, and I bought them in December, so it's not like they were old or anything.

And last, some of Lansing's finest stole from me. Perfect.
Although all that happened to me yesterday, I'm really not bitter. It's just the way some things go. I'm just hoping that this week turns out to be better than my Saturday!
I then called ADD Tim to see if he had time for me to hang out. He said he was going by a friends house to hang by the pool. I know this friend as I have hung out at his pool before, and I asked if it would be ok if I could tag along. ADD Tim gave me the ok, but also gave me Jim's number so I could call and let him know I was on my way over. When I drove by Jim's house, I didn't see ADD Tim's car in the driveway. Not wanting to just show up unannounced, I called both ADD Tim and Jim again and neither answered their phones. I was beginning to think I had been snubbed. No worries. I left Detroit and headed home.
I took an alternate route home because of all the road construction and ended up passing by Great Lakes Crossing. It's kinda like a mega indoor outlet mall. There's one in Texas too. Anywho, when I was home last December, Daddy Kiki and I went to the one in Texas where I found these awesome shoes at Saks. They were $140 at the time and although it was a great deal, I didn't have the money to pay for I let them be. When I went to Great Lakes Crossing yesterday, the same shoes were there for $70! So I got them and another pair for $30. I love shoes. I could feel a sense of euphoria washing over me as I paid for them and took them out of the store!

Then, when I got back to The Dungeon, I opened my refridgirator to discover that it was broken. Again. For the second time in as many weeks. I was livid. I called Best Buy and they couldn't do anything because I live in small time hick town and everything is closed on Saturday. The earliest someone could come out was on Monday. So, everything was defrosted yet again. Best Buy did tell me that Fridgidaire does reimburse for food loss, so they'll be getting a very angry letter as well. I hope the just replace my fridge cause this is ridiculous. In fact, this afternoon, I opened the fridge and everything is just warm. It's disgusting.
So, upset that my fridge was out, I decided to do some house work. I did my laundry and discoved my favorite jeans had a hole in them right in the front at the crotch. Boo! So now I have to see if I can replace them cause they were excellent jeans. Oh, and I bought them in December, so it's not like they were old or anything.

And last, some of Lansing's finest stole from me. Perfect.
Although all that happened to me yesterday, I'm really not bitter. It's just the way some things go. I'm just hoping that this week turns out to be better than my Saturday!
Wow, you really played catch up on your blogging.
Very cute shoes, especially the second pair.
Posted by
Summer |
Sun Jun 25, 03:18:00 PM EDT
sweet jesus woman - do you wear size 15 shoes?!!? :-) hehe, jk.
but seriously - god is just telling you to not eat or keep food in the house. only sugar. or apples.
Posted by
Pocket Kip |
Sun Jun 25, 10:38:00 PM EDT